Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hello again, I have already talked about a few of the things in movies that interest me,but it was in a very brief and somewhat vague manner. I will now elaborate on my interest in film and what in my personal opinion makes a film significant and/or compelling. As I stated before story,plot, dramatic effect, and romance all have a big role in whether a film is appealing. The story is important, it most have underlying themes and play around with the line in between reality and surreality, yet it does not have to be completely established or explained early on. Regardless of the film, plot is crucial because it is the order in which all the events are presented on screen, which has a very big impact of what we perceive about the story of a film and the world in which a film is presented. The necessity of a good plot seems to be more of a universal reality than a personal opinion. The next term dramatic effect is actually comprised of two words, dramatic and effect, dramatic meaning sudden and extreme, greatly affecting peoples emotions and effect meaning something that is produced by a cause. Thus dramatic effect is something sudden and extreme that greatly affects peoples emotions and is produced by a cause, I don't necessarily care what the cause is as long as it can create dramatic effect. As for romance I cant really explain it, its an intangible thing that is relative.

 I will now critique two old films and two modern films in order to try and show examples of what I think make a file noteworthy using the story, plot, dramatic effect, and possibly romance as a guideline.

In this short silent film Le Voyage dans la Lune the only story we're allowed to interpret is from the title which once translated to English reads A Trip to the Moon. So the story has been partly established, there were no headings, subtitles or other on screen text to add to the story other than the title. Although there was no real explanation of what is going on, it catches the viewers attention because there is so many people and we wish to find out who is who and why they are all there. Through out the rest of the film the plot and story work in a pretty much chronological order to explain the film quiet well. Once on the moon dramatic effect comes into play with the explosion that occurs near the astronomers and the moonanites, (what i have chosen to call the beings of the moon) hostility and sudden explosion when hit. The creativity and imagination in this film including the face on the moon, the stars, the transformation of a umbrella into a mushroom and falling off the moon right back down onto earth all scream romance to me. I would have to say this is a noteworthy film.

In The Great Train Robbery another short silent film, once again there is no more than a title to help understand the events that are to come. The story and plot and pretty straight forward, yet interesting to see the difference between an old western to more modern western . Throughout the movie there is a bit of suspense, yet if you have ever seen a another film with a train robbery it will certainly detract from the suspense. This must have been a very good film in its time but the only thing that will make it memorable is that it is probably the oldest western I have ever seen.

In City of God there are many subplots, suspenseful moments throughout, a story based on actual events, and passion. The film from the very beginning grabs your attention, because it does not start off explaining the story and once it begins to tell the story your hooked. The passion rocket has for photography  is a lot more than that it is romance in a way. The subplots add to the story by letting the viewer get a better sense of who everyone is and allows you to see it from many perspectives in turn making the viewer get emotionally attached to some of the characters if not all. The emotional attachments that the viewer acquires forces there to be suspense when those characters are in certain situations. This makes City of God a unforgettable movie.

I didn't really plan on posting the trailer because I feel it doesn't do the film justice, but I figured why not maybe it might make the movie more appealing to people other than me.

Last but not Least, with one of the most interesting plots Memento! Yea well there isn't much I can say about this film. It takes a lot to watch memento and remember everything as you the viewer are left feeling just like the main character Leonard. The movie starts at the end and then eventually begins to tell the story backwards with certain scenes that throw you off, and make you feel as if your traveling back in time but your jumping from parallel universe to parallel universe. In this instance of marriage I will allow myself to say there was romance involved as Leonard's purpose for everything he is trying to due is fueled by the last memories he has of his wife. Once again in this film like the last there is much suspense which creates dramatic effect. I  cannot continue to write about this movie without further spoiling it, with that said this is one for the books. Definitely worth more than one watch perhaps buying an actual copy and I don't care to own many movies.

Chungking Express
I know I sad that I would only use two old and two modern examples, so I wont say much about this last film. Just that if your in to typical and/or more abstract romance you will probably like this movie. In my personal opinion this is a must watch for anybody!

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